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Storytime Delight: Picture Book Read Aloud | The Tin Forest - By Helen Ward

Storytime Delight: Picture Book Read Aloud | The Tin Forest - By Helen Ward

About the book: In the middle of a windswept wasteland full of discarded scrap metal lives a sad and lonely old man. In spite of his gloomy surroundings, he dreams every night of a lively forest full of trees, birds, and animals. When he finds a broken light fixture that looks like a flower, his imagination is sparked. He begins to build a tin forest, branch by branch, creature by creature. In time, real birds arrive, bearing seeds, and soon the artificial forest is taken over by living vines and animals until it looks just like the forest of the old man's dreams. Book Title: The Tin Forrest Author: Helen Ward Illustrator: Wayne Anderson Publisher: Puffin Books If buying copy of the book please consider using this link (NZ company) which will help support the channel through commission. If you like the book read aloud please support my channel with a like/subscribe. ************************************************************************************************* Disclaimer: This book is for educational and reviewing use only. We do not own the text, illustrations and artworks. ALL CREDIT AND COPYRIGHT is solely owned by the author, illustrator and publisher. If you enjoyed the story, please support the wonderful author and publisher by purchasing a copy of the book online or from your local book store.  If you are the author or the publisher of the book and would like for us to remove the video from our channel, we would really appreciate it if you send us an email to and we will remove the video immediately. Keywords: #readaloud #kidsbookreadaloud #kidsbooksreadaloud storytime with shayne esl book read aloud look before buying kids book book haul read aloud #storytimedelight Storytime Delight: Picture Book Read Aloud #storytimedelight Storytime Delight: Picture Book Read Aloud
Being with all of your experiences | AboutKidsHealth at The Hospital for Sick Children

Being with all of your experiences | AboutKidsHealth at The Hospital for Sick Children

This video explains why pushing away unwanted thoughts, feelings and sensations can often make a situation worse. Use it when you are finding it hard to focus on the people and things that are important to you, or if you are spending too much energy avoiding your unwanted thoughts or feelings. After the video, take a moment to let all of your thoughts, feelings and sensations be with you, without pushing any of them away. For more information, visit: Subscribe to the AboutKidsHealth YouTube channel: This video is provided for general information only. It does not replace a diagnosis or medical advice from a healthcare professional who has examined your child and understands their unique needs. Please speak with your doctor to check if the content is suitable for your situation. #MentalHealth #Mindfulness #Meditation Follow us on: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: VIDEO TRANSCRIPT A full and meaningful life comes with a range of emotions and physical sensations: happiness, excitement, strength, but also fear, disappointment and pain. Like most people, you might prefer to avoid unwanted thoughts, feelings and physical sensations, especially if they are intense or overwhelming. Imagine your unwanted feelings as a beach ball that doesn’t go away. You might try different things to pretend the ball doesn’t exist. But when you throw it away, it bounces back. And when you move away from it, it follows you. Maybe you try to get rid of this beach ball by pushing it under water. You manage to keep it out of sight, but if you let go, the beach ball shoots right back up to the surface. So, you decide to keep holding the beach ball underwater. It’s a lot of hard work. Think about how much energy it takes to keep the ball down, and what you might be missing without realizing it. What would happen if you let the beach ball just be there? Or maybe even tried sitting with the beach ball for a while? Instead of actively ignoring the ball, or pushing it underwater, what if you chose to direct your energy instead towards activities and people that are important to you, whether the ball is there or not? Allowing unwanted thoughts, feelings or physical sensations to be there doesn’t mean you have to like them. It means that you are choosing to devote your energy towards the people and things that are important to you. Say your friends want to play a game, but you're feeling anxious or have pain in your stomach. Maybe you can’t play the full game with your friends, but you can still keep score or cheer them on! Sometimes it’s fun to just be around your friends, even if you can’t participate. Some unwanted thoughts, feelings and physical sensations may never fully go away. But you don’t have to devote your energy to suppressing or avoiding them. You can still be involved in activities, even if you need to pace yourself or take breaks now and then. Unwanted experiences are part of life for all of us, no matter who we are. It might take some effort and creativity, but even the smallest steps towards allowing your unwanted emotions and physical sensations to just be there can help you do the things that matter to you and let you live a fuller and more meaningful life.
You are not your thoughts | AboutKidsHealth at The Hospital for Sick Children

You are not your thoughts | AboutKidsHealth at The Hospital for Sick Children

This video explains some of the things you can try when you feel overwhelmed by your thoughts. After the video, take a few moments to observe your thoughts with curiosity, paying attention to how each one makes you feel. Paying attention to your thoughts and sorting through them takes practice and patience. For more information, visit: Subscribe to the AboutKidsHealth YouTube channel: This video is provided for general information only. It does not replace a diagnosis or medical advice from a healthcare professional who has examined your child and understands their unique needs. Please speak with your doctor to check if the content is suitable for your situation. #MentalHealth #PositiveThinking #Mindfulness Follow us on: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: TRANSCRIPT Every day, we have thousands of thoughts, emotions, urges, memories and feelings. From the time we wake up in the morning, all throughout the day, to when we lay down to sleep at night. No matter who we are, we all have thoughts swirling around in our heads. We even think and feel in our dreams. Often, we don’t realize how many thoughts we are having, and we get lost in them. Sometimes, we’re not even aware that we’re thinking. We seem to be swimming in a sea of our own thoughts. When we are surrounded by our thoughts, it’s easy to get caught up in them and react automatically, sometimes in ways we don’t even mean to react. We might hold onto some thoughts, even when we don’t want to, and it can feel like our thoughts are overwhelming. But thoughts are not facts, and they are not always true, even if they seem to be. Next time you feel caught up in your thoughts, try paying attention to them with curiosity, and not judgment. It doesn’t matter if they are true or false, right or wrong; just notice them. How fast or slow are they? Are they are all very different from each other? Or perhaps you are having the same ones over and over again. Maybe they’re even focused on one theme. Some of these thoughts may be unwanted. But instead of reacting to them, notice what happens to your body sensations and your emotions when you have these thoughts. Perhaps you will notice if they are bringing you closer to or further away from what is important to you or the goals you have for yourself. Observing your thoughts is a skill that takes practice, like playing an instrument. Sometimes it'll be easy for you to be able to notice and respond to your thoughts. Other times, you might have to work really hard to get some distance from them. You might even have to keep letting go of the same unwanted thought over and over again. But don’t give up. Keep trying. Like waves in the ocean, thoughts are always passing through our minds, and can affect how we feel and what we do. But they are not “us”, and we are not our thoughts. Learning to be aware of our thoughts can allow us to respond with more choice instead of reacting in ways we may regret. Observing our thoughts gives us some distance to see how our thoughts make us feel. We can then choose to act in ways that bring us closer to the things and the people that are important to us. Remember, you are not your thoughts. Try observing your thoughts with curiosity. Try it right now.
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